
Sunday, January 23, 2005

Dare to Dream

I've placed up some new links on the left for upcoming tournaments. The most juicy one has got to be the Europeans, but it being held in Cork and all, is a little too expensive for me. Sigh. Bloody debating tournaments in Europe.

Interestingly, I think this was the tournament that began the run of the Singapore team that reached the Worlds Final.

Being jobless and bored stiff out of my mind (and not to forget that I'm procrastinating from doing real work), it's nice to see that on Flynn's site, the weird ranking system he uses for universities places SMU in at 41. That's not too shabby for 3 years of Worlds.

Finally, the theme for Westers 2005 (see left) is "Dare to Dream". That's Renhua's favourite mantra, wonder what he would have to say about this?


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