IEEE Technical Debates
This is a list of suggested motions from the upcoming IEEE debates held by NTU. Interested parties can contact Prathamesh at pratham_karkal at
1. This house believes that we do not have a right to enslave an artificial but intelligent being.
2. This house believes that when fossil fuels run out by 2060, mankind shall return back to the stone-age.
3. This house believes that we do not have a right to colonize other planets in future.
4. This house believes that the hydrogen-engine is more cost effective than the petrol-engine.
5. This house believes that cloning shall help us find a cure to cancer.
6. This house believes that Singapore should invest more money in general research rather than in only applied research for economy growth.
7. This house believes in the power of technology to overcome poverty.
8. This house believes that science and religion will meet eventually.
9. This house believes that mishaps due to engineering failures must be treated as crimes, and the engineers responsible as criminals.
10. This house believes that technology is invading our privacy.
11. This house believes that too money is being wasted on space exploration.
12. This house believes that all vaccinations should be made mandatory by the state.
13. This house supports the Kyoto agreement despite USA and Australia not signing it.
14. This house believes that robotic research should be stopped as in the near future we will be able to build robots that are as intelligent and powerful as humans, and will therefore have the ability to revolt against humans.
15. This house believes that hackers do a public service by finding and publicizing computer security weaknesses
16. This house believes that unregulated distribution of copyrighted works
over Internet should not be allowed
17. This house believes that the pharmaceutical patenting system be liberalized
18. This house believes that computer manufacturers like Dell, IBM, HP etc must concentrate on mobile phones too as mobile phones integrated with computers are the future.
19. This house believes that products which compromise the privacy of an individual must be banned.
20. This house is against the trademarking of common names (egs. Neem, Basmati, Turmeric) as it sets a bad precedent for future scientific breakthroughs and inventions.
21. This house condones the free flow of nuclear technology between the
developed and developing nations.
22. This house supports cloning of humans.
23. This house objects patenting in the pharmaceutical industry.
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